Dear listeners of the Cinegeoff Podcast,
Thank you for your support. The creators of the Cinegeoff Podcast, namely Ty Mclemore and Geoffrey Altrocchi, put a lot of work and thought into the Cinegeoff Podcast. Sometimes we don't get to talking about all the ideas that we want to talk about. The ideas listed below are some suggestions meant to jump start a discussion, as to what we should talk about next. If you have an opinion or want to hear us to talk about something in particular, please comment below, e-mail us at, or call us at 1(323)606-1318.
We try to be timely, but we have to always be interesting!
Possible Topics To Be Covered:
1. Flooding in Los Angeles.
2. What happened with all the floods in Los Angeles? Interstate 5, one of the most important Interstates in Los Angeles, and THE most important artery for transportation in Los Angeles, was shut down because of flooding. Two people died because they drove into a flood in Victorville. One man died because he was stalled in a flood, and then electrocuted by a downed power line.
Huge engineering weaknesses in the Los Angeles roads were revealed during the flooding on Friday. Who is to blame? Garcetti? (who by the way is up for reelection). Chris Christie?
3. Why aren't there better jokes about Harrison Ford's almost crashing into a commercial flight? Who is to blame?
4. Trump's rally in Melbourne, Fla. How many mullets did you spot?
5. What the heck is Justin Beiber up to?
Possible Guests
6. I want to talk to whoever it was who organized the march in downtown LA about immigration on Saturday.
7. Han Salo dishes on all things star wars, and also how modern bathrooms bother him! And also the difference between Science Fiction and Fantasy, and his review of the Slave Leia bikini, as well as how he really felt about Chewie, and how he dealt with the smell on intergalactic journeys with his wookie companion, and how badly he wanted to punch those Ewoks. Also, what he thought about the Ewok music!
8. Lando Calrissian, his tell-all interview and how he felt like he was singled out a lot even in a galaxy far far away, a long time ago. What it's like being black and being pulled over in space. His advice for black drivers and his opinion of the black rights movement, also, his opinion on whether Key and Peele stole from Dave Chapelle. Also, his opinion on Avacadoes and whether or not they are too fattening.
Also, how he had to take out a huge storage space just to store his female fan letters, and how he felt about the slave Leia bikini and how Leia actually hit on him a lot when the cameras weren't around. Also, he admits how did actually punch many ewoks in the face when people weren't looking, and why shouldn't he?!
8. Need to review the new King Kong movie.