By Geoffrey Altrocchi
Therese Olson
By Geoffrey Altrocchi
Therese Olson
Director: Steven Speilberg
Lead Actors: Daniel Day Lewis, David Stratham, Sally Field
A history lesson from the heart. This epic movie featuring one of our influential presidents covers a very short period in Lincoln’s life wherein he used all of his political game to pass the 13th Amendment, which would ensure equal rights for all men under the law.
This from the director who gave us The Color Purple. This from the liberal-minded filmmaker who brought us Amistad. In this spirit, Steven Spielberg honors the man, who, more than most in his era gave African- Americans a chance in this historically highly- prejudiced time.
Abe Lincoln is brought to life by arguably the greatest actor of our time, Daniel Day Lewis, a master of personifying power. One would have to take the filmmaker’s word for it that Day Lewis was involved with this movie, because I didn’t “see” him once. What I did see was Lincoln, the man I’ve read about , the man I’ve idolized since someone gave me my first penny. Finally, there he was, on the screen in the flesh.
As Lewis embodied in his gritty Lincoln portrayal, rare and determined were those who freed slaves and fought to integrate them into society. This key issue is touched on delicately in the movie, as Lincoln’s interpersonal relations with African-Americans are meaningful and poignant.
Lewis also brought depth to his relationship with Mary Todd, Lincoln’s troubled wife, played by Sally Fields. Fields portrays Todd as a human under an unbelievable amount of stress and suffering from the grief of their recently deceased child. She does an outstanding, sobering job and helps ground the movie in the reality that there were real people affected by these historic events. Their story makes it seem as if Mary Todd Lincoln takes on everything swirling around her husband, but gets none of the glory.
It is not without mention that Tommy Lee Jones was a standout as the stately proponent of abolition, Thaddeus Stevens, whose vote was key to Lincoln's mission of getting the 13th Amendment passed. While there were many fine performances among the one hundred and thirty-five speaking roles created by this sweeping movie, my favorite non-lead was James Spader as a sloppy-gutted lobbyist, W.N. Bilbo, who had his hand in making history.
VIewers should know that scenes of the Civil War are painstakingly graphic in “Lincoln”, as are the thousands and thousands of detailed dead bodies. In fact, in one scene, we see a wheel barrow of bloody limbs dumped into the ground. THIS IS NOT YOUR FOURTH GRADER’S HISTORY BOOK LESSON ABOUT ABE LINCOLN.
Highlights/Top Scenes
Though filled with fierce rhetoric, Spielberg’s depiction of the US House of Representatives was both funny and a little scary. They all seemed so flawed and average for representatives. So human! It leads one to imagine what might be said after a day spent in today's House of Congress!
In the end, this is an honest look at American politics by the creator of numerous memorable films, also known for taking a stance through his conscientious storytelling, that left this humble viewer full of hope! Quite possibly one of the best films in a long time from a modern day film-making master. Bring your heart in the door, but leave your kids with the sitter for this gut-wrenchng, visceral visual experience!